This post is dedicated to all my Chinese readers. Off late I have been receiving quite many comments on my blog from them. I appreciate and acknowledge their efforts of going through my blog and dropping by their comments. It truly motivates me and inspires me to great extent. Though I have to use Google Translator to comprehend their thoughts ;) but I make sure I get to know what each one has to say on what they read.
It's actually a feel good factor knowing that people from different countries actively visits my blog and takes interest in my thoughts.
Its just a small request to all of you, if you could please write your comments in ENGLISH! That would be more convenient for me as well as other visitors to the blog.I am sure it would not be that difficult for all of you.
Once again thanks a lot for your support and cooperation.
Keep visiting my blog and keep reading.
Chao!!!! liners..
6 years ago