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Monday, February 1, 2010

Clouded Thoughts

Its dark out of the window,

And you feel even the twinkling stars are feeling bore

Fear, ambition, perseverance become your armor

And you stretch your arms to write some more.

When you learn two and two is no more four

While saying all the time “it depends”

Sometimes you feel like a leader in line

Even when you think – low grades, who repents.

A plane flies over the building

And the only friends are the yellow walls

You touch your dry skin to feel alive

And say aloud – a winner never crawls......


Nakul said...

can feel hw much u r gettin bore....:) seriously after colg, life is like empty.... nothin to do... :(

Naveen said...

every low is followed by a high!!! its kinda wave n tats d way it goes........

Neha More said...

@ Naks...yeah...seems as if everythng has came 2 a standstill!

@ Naveen...true...d sooner i accept,d better it is!

scarlet pimpernel said...

invent new hobbies