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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thats Me....

It may seem as if I am carefree and strong
Going through life as if nothing is wrong.
But no one has ever seen the real me
They only know what I let them believe.
Most often my smiles are real and sincere
Other times they help to hide my secret fears.
I carefully created a clever mask of illusion
I wear it now to hide my pain and confusion.
So never is a tear seen falling from my eye
I have learned to hold it all silently inside.
Quite often I want to just let go and weep
But the pain is very intense and too deep.
I yearn to belong, to be one of the crowd
To be able to speak of my dreams out loud.
Wanting so very much to be accepted
Yet fearing the possibility of being rejected.
I need special someone to discern the real me
And not hold in contempt what they will see.
The weaknesses and flaws I try so hard to hide
Are all part of the real me I keep hidden inside....


Naveen said...

one of the best way to express urself.. so simple yet so mysterious.. i appreciate how honestly u hv done..gr8 work..

manavbirsuri said...

ur real side is quite intriguing nd i wud like to knw it all....this is sooo lyk my life till now...felt really nice nd felt inspired.....nice work...u do have it in u....

Unknown said...

An excellent way 2 express ur self.....but I feel some illusion in it.anyways 99% near the mark